Limit Order is a type of order which allows traders to set a price called the "Order Price". As compared to Market Orders, limit orders provide an option of traders to have better control over their position's entry or exit price at the expense of giving up order execution guarantees.
The MAIN REASONwhy traders limit orders are executed immediately is due to the following:
Buy Long Order = Order PriceHIGHERthan Best ASK Price (Prices that traders are willing to sell)
Sell Short Order = Order PriceLOWER than Best BID Price (Prices that traders are willing to buy)
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A) Using the limit Buy order atUSD 10,207as an example, the system will do the following
Best ASK Price inside the order book is at USD 10,183.
Using the logic of Buy Low & Sell High, the system compares the Order Price vs best ASK Price (USD10,207 vs USD 10,183) and determines that the order can be filled at a lower buying priceof USD 10,183 at that specific moment
The order will be filled until the contract quantity is met or until USD 10,207, whichever comes first.
B)Using the limit Sell order at USD 10,100 as an example, the system will do the following
Best BID Price inside the order book is at USD 10,182.50.
Using the logic of Buy Low & Sell High, the system compares the Order Price vs best BID Price (USD10,100 vs USD 10,182.50) and determines that the order can be filled at a higher selling price of USD 10,182.50 at that specific moment
The order will be filled until the contract quantity is met or until USD 10,100, whichever comes first.