Dear Toobit Users,
We’re excited to announce that Toobit has upgraded our copy trading features! Discover the new functionality on both the Toobit web and Toobit App v1.6.9. This update enhances both the user experience and pro trader tools, ensuring a more seamless and efficient trading environment. Here are the details of the upgrades:
1. User Experience Enhancements
- Detailed Pro Trader Information: Users can now access detailed trading data and historical records of pro traders.
- Improved Copy Trading Hall: Advanced filtering options and optimized interaction styles to easily find and follow the best pro traders.
For detailed instructions, please read: Portfolio Performance Indicators in Toobit Copytrading
2. Pro Trader Settings and Tools
- Trading Settings: Pro traders can now configure trading pairs, define trading times with cooldown periods, and set position modes (cross or isolated margin). Critical information can be protected and made visible only to followers.
- Profit-Sharing Settings: Options for daily or weekly profit-sharing cycles, profit-sharing ratios, and minimum investment requirements for followers.
- Follow Restrictions: Manage follower requirements and restrict following to invited users only.
For detailed instructions, please read Guide of Copy Trading for Pro Trader
3. Pro Trader Rewards Program
The Pro Trader Rewards Program is an incentive scheme designed to reward high-quality pro traders based on their trading performance. Pro traders are evaluated on metrics such as account assets, number of copiers, assets under management (AUM), 30-day ROI, and 30-day Sharpe ratio.
Based on these evaluations, pro traders are categorized into different levels: Co-pilot, Pilot, Captain, and Astronaut. Each level comes with specific rights and benefits, including higher profit shares, extra salary, and additional rewards. This program aims to incentivize pro traders to maintain high performance and contribute to a positive social trading environment.
For more details, please refer to Pro Trader Rewards Program
You can download the latest version of the Toobit App from the app store now and start exploring these new features. Happy trading!