Toobit has launched its copy trading function, aiming to provide the simplest and most convenient trading experience for contract traders and followers, significantly promoting a win-win profit situation for both parties. Followers can directly copy the trader's strategy, saving time on opening, closing, and monitoring trades. Traders can earn additional profit-sharing income through this function, as well as gain promotion from the platform's global fans.
By visiting Toobit's copy trading page on the official website or app, users can enjoy an ultimate experience.
1. For Pro Traders:
Pro Traders can achieve contract profit through copy trading while earning additional profit-sharing. Moreover, Toobit will widely promote and expose outstanding traders on social media channels to help gain global fans.
2. For Followers:
Followers can easily enjoy high returns by copying professional traders' market strategies on the contract copy trading page. Data such as copy trading profits, historical records and position gains and losses are publicly disclosed and real-time on the page, ensuring that every transaction can be tracked and managed for effortless profiting.
Toobit's team is committed to providing users with the best trading products and services, and we look forward to your participation in Toobit's copy trading.
Thank you for your support of Toobit!